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Asian Green, Tat Soi
Brassica rapa

(Brassica rapa) Emerald spoon-shaped leaves form a compact rosette. Fast growing and vigorous. Mild flavour gets sharper as the leaves mature. Popular as a baby leaf for salads; also excellent when added to soups or stir-fries. Cut leaves as needed at any stage or harvest the whole head. 21 days baby greens, 45 days.




Broccoli Rapini

Rapini (commonly marketed as broccoli raab or broccoli rabe) is a green cruciferous vegetable. The edible parts are the leaves, buds, and stems. The buds somewhat resemble broccoli, but do not form a large head. Rapini is known for its slightly bitter taste and is particularly associated with Italian, Galician, and Portuguese cuisines. Within the Italian tradition, the plant is associated especially with southern Italian cuisines such as those of Ciociaria, Rome, Naples, Campania, and Apulia.

In Italy, broccoli rabe is known by different names: in Naples it is known as friarielli; in Rome broccoletti; in Puglia, cime di rapa (literally meaning "turnip tops").
It is also known as i broccoli friarelli and sometimes broccoli di rape, rapi, or rapini. In Portugal and Spain they are called grelos.


Beetroot Long

With smooth good quality roots, purple flesh with a sweet flavour. This Beetroot has won many prizes.





Golden Purple Carrot

This is one of the oldest varieties on the planet, probably originally from Chaldea. Sweet good flavour, the purple region of the skin full of vitamins and healthy nutrients.


Pusa Asita Black Carrot

Rich in Anthocyanins that it is practically black! This is an open pollinated marvel that you should try to produce your own seeds for because it is rare and precious. It seems especially well suited for the south because it is presumably better adapted to shorter days. It tastes richer than a regular "orange" carrot, and is likely much more nutrient packed with anti-oxidants! Simply Amazing, three cheers for Pritam Kalia! (the colour deepens as carrots mature)

Celery Giant Red

The traditional soup celery. This variety is packed full of flavour. The well coloured, solid sticks are high in fibre and winter hardy.


Brassica oleracea, (OP) 60 days

Organically grown. Champion is an improved Vates-type collards, selected for compact form and bolt-resistance. Large, wide, slightly wavy blue-green leaves are packed with vitamins and minerals. Collards are a staple of Southern US cuisine.



Collards, Vates

Brassica oleracea



Chard, Leaf Beet Rhubarb (Award of Garden Merit)

With its distinctive bright red stems and deep green leaves, Rhubarb Chard, also known as Ruby Chard, is highly decorative as well as being full of nutritional value.

With its distinctive bright red stems and deep green leaves, Rhubarb Chard, also known as Ruby Chard, is highly decorative as well as being full of nutritional value. It can be grown in flower beds as well as in the vegetable patch. Although a relative of the beetroot family whilst both the leaves and stems can be eaten either lightly steamed or sautéed. The small root ball is not edible.



For lettuces see the Lettuce seeds Page




Mustards Greens



Japanese green, spray-like plant with long narrow leaves. Flavour is mild but slightly stronger than Mizuna. May be eaten cooked or raw. Best grown in cool weather during spring and autumn. 


Early summer to early autumn.


Sow seeds direct from April-October, or sow under glass September to March. Sow direct, 0.5cm (1/4in) deep into prepared soil. Sow under cover into pots filled with soil which have been soaked with water and drained. Germination takes 3 days. Transplant out 2-3 weeks from sowing with cloche protection if required. When plants establish thin to 10cm for babyleaf and 40cm for mature plants. Successional sow every 21 days.


Plants can be cut back 4-5 times with new growth being more resistant to frosts and snow. Simply cut with scissors as required when the plant is 5-10cm tall. Can also harvest whole plants.


Ethiopian Mustard
Days to maturity: 21 days baby; 40 bunching


7 to 10 days


Harvest using scissors once the plants have become well developed

Time to Harvest

Cut and Come again.

Yield potential: Good
Widely adapted
Other attributes: While technically a mustard, Ethiopian kale, highland kale, Abyssinian mustard, and Texsel greens. The attractive, dark-green leaves are tender, slightly savoyed with a wavy margin, and have an excellent rich flavour.



Burmese Okra

Heirloom variety from Burma. Large pods are tender, spineless, and finely flavoured. The plants start yielding early and production lasts until frost.


Hill Country Heirloom Red Okra

One of the best varieties of Okra. The large, fat pods are very tender and full of good "Okree" flavour that is so popular in the hill regions of the south of the USA. The pods are reddish-green in colour and the plants have red stems. Very productive and high quality. Beautiful & Rare variety.


Beck's Big Buck Horn Okra

Fast-growing plants reach the modest size of about 5 feet in height, yielding tons of plump, tender ribbed pods all season long! This okra is a German heirloom, originating in this country via Malcolm and Delphine Beck of Comal County near San Antonio, Texas. When the Becks bought their farm in 1968, they noticed mature plants of this okra growing in the prior owner’s garden, and the Becks planted some of the seed the following season. Has sometimes been dubbed “snapping okra”because of the ease with which the remarkably tender pods can be snapped off the stalks for harvest.





Squash Hermosa

Orange flesh colour, sweet nutty flavour, with firm texture.

Squash Reina

Amber colour flesh, rich & sweet flavour.

Squash Butternut Pompina

Rich and smooth with a subtle sweetness.





Squash, Fordhook Acorn

Cucurbita pepo


Squash, Potimarron

Cucurbita maxima

(C. maxima) (aka Courge Châtaigne) A small winter squash from France, inversely pear-shaped, with a flavor like chestnuts. The name is derived from the French: potiron (pumpkin) and marron (chestnut). Superb table quality in a small (3-4 pounds) manageable size. 85-95 days.




Squash, Rouge Vif d'Etampes

Cucurbita maxima

(C. maxima) (aka Bright Red Etampes, Cinderella) Beautiful French pumpkin introduced in the United States by W. Atlee Burpee in 1883; documented by Vilmorin the same year. Very flattened red-orange fruit with wide ribs, weighs up to 20 pounds. Favored by French chefs for rich soup stock. 95 days.




Squash, Long Island Cheese

Cucurbita moschata

(C. moschata) East Coast historic variety long remembered as a great pie squash by people in New York and New Jersey. Mentioned as early as 1806 by Bernard McMahon of Philadelphia. Named for its resemblance to a wheel of cheese. Flattened, ribbed, buff-colored pumpkins average 6-12 pounds. Sweet deep orange flesh. Good keeper. 90-100 days.


Squash Pink (Cucubita pepo)

Winter squashes are perhaps the most underrated garden vegetable. Easy to raise and grow, this vegetable is practically pest-free. The squashes themselves have a very high food value, second to only carrots for vitamin A. They have a unique sweet taste and a wonderful firm, floury texture. Try them in soups and stews, or roasted around a joint as they are primarily a savoury vegetable. Stored in a spare room they will keep for up to five months.

Pink Winter Squash is an American heritage variety which has firm, sweet, yellow-orange flesh ideal for baking. It's skin turns pinkish-orange when mature and can have a trailing habit of up to 10ft.




For lettuces see the Lettuce seeds Page





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